Altmühltal, Germany
Archaeological park with 18 stations, many at Iron Age sites, some in situ reconstructions. Kelheim is the site of a large Iron Age oppidum from the La Tène period, which has been tentatively identified with the Celtic city of Alcimoennis mentioned by Ptolemy in his Geography. The ramparts of the fort cross the promontory between the rivers Altmühl and Danube. There is an inner defensive line enclosing 60 ha near the confluence, then a long outer rampart enclosing an enormous area of 630 ha. A small promontory fort on the other bank of the Danube has a series of short linear ramparts protecting a settlement in the bend of a meander. This is aligned with the end of the outer rampart on the far bank, dominating traffic on the river
Tourismusverband im Landkreis Kelheim e.V.
other associated institution Kreisarchäologie Landkreis Kelheim
other associated contact https://www.landkreis-kelheim.de/