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IADR Winner of the Best Practice Award for Youth Programme

IADR Winner of the Best Practice Award for Youth Programme

At the Annual Advisory Forum in Visegrad the Iron Age Danube Route was awarded the award for best practices for Cultural and educational exchanges for young Europeans!
We are extremely proud of our hardworking team who developed and executed pilot projects: Archaeological Encounters- Kids of the Iron Age and ArcheoGIM: dr. Jacqueline Balen from the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, prof. Hrvoje Potrebica and Julia Fileš Kramberger from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kristina Rupert from the Zlatni Papuk Tourist Board and dr. Miona Miliša from the University of Split!
We are also deeply grateful to our partners without whom this cooperation wouldn't be possible: Ms. Anita Katić and Mr. Ivica Pačić from the Požega High School and Ms. Valentina Peroutka from Vilim Korajac Elementary School in Kaptol, Krčma Stari Fenjeri and the Municipality of Kaptol for their never faltering support!
Last, but not least, we are thankful for the students who participated in the programmes and we are looking forward to developing these pilot project in other regions across our network.

13th Annual Advisory Forum of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe

13th Annual Advisory Forum of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe

The gathering brought together experts and stakeholders from across Europe to discuss the rich cultural heritage that unites our continent. Over the next four days, participants explored ways to promote sustainable tourism and foster international cooperation through Europe's diverse cultural routes. The stunning historical city of Visegrád and- later on, Budapest - made it the perfect location for this venue.

The Iron Age Danube Route and the Prehistoric Rock Art Trails Route sign an agreement

The Iron Age Danube Route and the Prehistoric Rock Art Trails Route sign an agreement

Collaboration Agreement Signed Between Iron Age Danube Route and Prehistoric Rock Art Trails

A collaboration agreement has been signed between the Iron Age Danube Route (IADR) and the Prehistoric Rock Art Trails (PRAT). The agreement was formalized by secretaries Mr. Leoncio Carrascal Ruiz and Ms. Marta Rakvin during the Arredondo Seminar - Rock Art News.

This agreement aims to enhance the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage sites associated with both routes, emphasizing mutual cooperation and the exchange of knowledge and best practices.

Election results 2024

Election results 2024

Election 2024 - Result

Following four years since the establishment of the Iron Age Danube Route Association, it was time for the first management re-election. The regular members of the Association voted for the 2024-2028 presidency period, which was officially accepted and announced on 16th of February 2024, and the results are as follows:

• President: Szilvia Fábián, PhD representing the Hungarian National Museum (HU)
• Vice president: Hrvoje Potrebica, PhD representing the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and the Social Sciences, Department of Archaeology and Centre for Prehistoric Research (HR)
• Secretary: Marta Rakvin representing the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Archaeology (HR)
• Management Board:
- Jacqueline Balen, PhD representing the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb (HR)
- Katalin Wollák representing the Archaeolingua Foundation (HU)
- Karl Peitler representing the Universalmuseum Joanneum, Archaeology Museum (AT)
- Petra Stipančić, curator representing the Dolenjski Muzej, Novo Mesto (SI)
• Honorary member: Sanjin Mihelić

First of all, we would like to wholeheartedly thank the first presidency for the hard work they have put in and the results they have achieved. Secondly, we would like to congratulate the newly elected Management Board members! We wish them every success and joy in their new positions.

Situlae Festival 2024

Situlae Festival 2024

Festival of prehistoric life and cuisine - Situlae Festival 2024!
See the recreation of life at the duke's court. Witness ancient crafts and products: pottery, glass making, fur production, braiding, woodworking, bronze casting, wool dyeing and felting, medicine making, weaving, blacksmithing, amber processing
Find also workshops for children: bread baking, archery, skin painting, arm wrestling, spear fighting, making leather bracelets, making miniature situlaes
Also, a varied culinary offer for all tastes, a guide to the archaeological collection and an evening concert.

Early Iron Age in Central Europe 5th International Conference

Early Iron Age in Central Europe 5th International Conference

The 5th conference “Early Iron Age in Central Europe” will be hosted at the Linz Castle Museum/Schlossmuseum. Scholars interested in promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and facilitating the exchange of research findings are encouraged to present the results of their studies on the Early Iron Age in Central Europe, with a particular focus on the Hallstatt and Early La Tène cultural zones.



The session Heritage Tales: Participatory Approaches to Heritage Management and Community Engagement (Session #1161) at the annual EAA European Association of Archaeologists meeting is associated with the Iron Age Danube Route Association. We cordially invite you to participate. The call for contributions is open until 8 February 2024, 23:59 CET. More details can be found on the EAA website ( under the Scientific Program tab.



The European Institute of Cultural Routes, in cooperation with the University Network for Cultural Routes Studies, will hold its second Academic Workshop online on Thursday 7th December 2023. The workshop will bring together scholars, researchers, students and other participants from Europe and beyond to exchange and share their research outcomes in the field of Cultural Routes studies.
The event welcomes theoretical perspectives, state of the art research reports, case studies and policy evaluations relating to all aspects of cultural routes.
Research presentations will focus on Cultural Routes, including the following themes:

Cultural heritage (preservation, enhancement, interpretation, management, etc.)

Tourism (cultural tourism, sustainable tourism, slow tourism, tourism indicators and measurement, emerging trends, etc.)

Community participation (local communities’ engagement, grass-roots projects, ownership of heritage, etc.)

Local development (sustainable development, heritage and tourism as engines for development, etc.)

Emerging trends in the cultural, heritage and tourism sectors (use of virtual reality and digital technologies, creativity and resilience, funding and finance for post-Covid recovery, etc.)

IADR partner of the NEXT ROUTES project

IADR partner of the NEXT ROUTES project

For the next two years the Iron Age Danube Route will be one of the partners of the NEXT ROUTES project, funded by the EU Erasmus+ programme!
The NEXT ROUTES project focuses on an innovative approach to heritage management. Through planned activities, the project will reinforce Cultural Routes staff skills and knowledge related to digital and creative competencies, support Cultural Routes in the digital transition and help them manage and disseminate Cultural Routes contents in an engaging and effective way by promoting their cultural heritage through innovative gamification approaches. The project represents a great opportunity for the staff of the Cultural Routes involved, and will provide them with an easy-to-use tool and manual for the enhancement of the presentation of cultural heritage on their respective territories, thus making it accessible to all interested members and stakeholders.

The project partnership, consisting of 8 partners from 6 countries and led by the Phoenician’s Route, brings together Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (the Phoenicians’ Route (Italy), the European Route of Jewish Heritage (Luxemburg), the European Mozart Ways (Austria), the Routes of the Olive Tree (Greece), the ATRIUM – Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes of the 20th Century In Europe’s Urban Memory (Italy) and the Iron Age Danube Route (Croatia) with the Mobile Idea Srl (Italy), which is one of the leading private companies in the EU specialized in technological innovation applied to the cultural and tourism sector, and the Breda University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands).

#larottadeifenici #thephoeniciansroute #culturalroutes #councilofeurope European Mozart Ways AEPJ The Routes of the Olive Tree Atrium European Cultural Route Iron Age Danube Route Fabio Viola Breda University of Applied Sciences Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme Council of Europe

Exchange of Good Practices between Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe - ROUTES4ROUTES

Exchange of Good Practices between Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe - ROUTES4ROUTES

The project ROUTES4ROUTES will increase Iron Age Danube Route staff competencies in archaeological heritage management through learning from already existing and tested good practices in the area of cultural route management. The participants will become aware of various models and tools that can be used to better connect the route with the communities archaeological heritage is located in, to make it more visible, and to find new approaches on how to serve as a connecting platform between heritage experts and SME's and tourism workers in order to help develop new business ideas or models for creating new cultural products, which would the overall increase the value of Iron Age archaeological heritage in the Danube region and would result in measurable benefits to the local communities. During ROUTES4ROUTES project activities, we plan to collaborate with colleges from hosting organizations in exchanging expertise and good practices regarding archaeological heritage management and cultural routes management. We plan to organize a practical combination of workshops, round tables and presentations with the host organization.

Funding: Erasmus+ Action Type KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of learners
and staff in adult education

Duration: January 2023 - June 2024
Budget: 10.310,00 EUR



These days the 25th Mediterranean Fair of Archaeological Tourism took place in Paestum, where under the auspices of the Association of Historic Towns of Slovenia, the Dolenjski Museum Novo mesto, the Posavina Museum of Brežice and the Provincial Museum of Ptuj-Ormož presented their cities and their rich archaeological heritage.
Dolenjski museum Novo mesto also represented the Iron Age Danube Route at the fair.



Update: To all those who have voted for the Iron Age Danube Route, a big thank you! The support has been tremendous and we have come in second place. The final results can be seen here:!/public-voting
It gives us great pleasure to announce that IADR has been chosen as a finalist of the
ECTN Awards 'Destination of Sustainable Cultural Tourism 2023'!!!
But, to cross the last mile we need your help!
Support the IADR and cast your vote here:
IADR is in the Transnational Thematic Tourism Products Category
The Winners and Runners-up by category will be announced at the Awards ceremony taht will take place in Pafos, Cyprus, on Thursday 19 October 2023, at the gala dinner of the 16th ECTN Conference.

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